Thursday, December 10, 2009

Significant Facts About Human Development

Fundamental facts about human development...

1.Early foundations are critical.
2.Maturatin and lerning play important role in development.
3.Development follows a definite and predictable pattern.
4.All individuals are different.
5.Each phase of development has a characteritic 'pattern of behavior."
6.Each phase of development has hazards.
7.Development is aided by stimulation.
8.Development is affected by cultural changes.
9.There is social expectation for every stage of development.
10.There are traditional beliefs about people for all ages.

Development is a lifelong process beginning at conception and ending at death. The life span is arbitrarily divided into segment,with each segment being part of a whole. It is divided into:

1. pre-natal period- from conception to birth
2. infancy - from birth to end of second week
3. babyhood- from end of second week to end of the second year
4. early childhood from two to six years.
5. late childhood - from six to ten or twelve years
6. puberty - from ten to twelve or thirteen or fourteen
7. adolescence - from thirteen or fourteen to eighteen years
8. early adulthood - from eighteen to thirty five years
9. middle adulthood -from thirty five to sixty five years
10. late adulthood or senescence - from sixty-five years to death.

Havighurst's Developmental Tasks During the Life Span (Hurlock, 1982)

1. Babyhood
2. Early Childhood
3. Late Childhood
4. Adolescence
5. Early Adulthood
6. Middle Age
7. Old Age

List at least five Filipino traditional beliefs about people of all ages. Gather these information by asking adolescents,adults, and old people of both age.